The goal is India Discovery Center is to map the distinction and identity of a person of
Indian descent as we witness through the evolution in history. All of the India's history through millennia is not fully documented, much has been extrapolated. One has to sieve through the literature to check what we can identify as a trait that can be taken as the base. All human beings need survival, but the conduct is produced through habitat and security. Ours is an exploration
to help the future generations to research more and understand the growth of human civilization.
India has been privileged in one particular sense because of her fertile land and ample supply of water. Agriculture was natural and food production was easy. We believe this was the key to the
original flourishing Indus Period civilization. Through thousands of years, people had developed
the understanding of crop production through the use of irrigation. Gradually the Indus area
used the surplus grains for trade and produced items of interest using raw materials obtained
from the foreign lands. Other areas in the world also became trade centers, but the surplus of
agricultural production gave longevity and spread to the Indus civilization. The compete story of Indus still remains to be fully told because of the inability to decipher the Indus script.
The technology of Indus civilization did not appear to transfer to the Vedas, which seem to have
been well preserved through oral recitation and transmission. The Vedic compositions are poetic
and seem to develop a faith-based society. The agriculture and agricultural technology possibly
did move to the middle India, which also had developed crop production as a staple earlier. It
appears that the Vedas used the language used in the middle India and developed it to make
communication in context. The original language was most likely purely object-based and used
without the sense of time. But the principles of living as the freedom of existence, concept of righteousness, and the character of truth are most likely old empirical concepts, and not poetic.
The Vedic hymns did teach the value of human possessions and the creation of wealth. Though conduct and character were also part of the teachings, the pursuit of wealth did cause misery and wars. This led to reflection and introspection. The period 700BC to 200BC called the Classical
Period saw enormous strides in human knowledge by dissecting the Vedic literature. India discovered grammar, mathematics and music. Dramatics and human psychology were encoded
along with the nutrition and health principles. New religions in the forms of alternative
faiths showed up enriching the India's landscape. An economist Chanakya formulated a capitalist
economy that thrived in India for fifteen hundred years. The Kings did appear but they were
by definition were in State to serve the people. India was opulent through production and political
Opulence added freedom of thinking and creative literature developed in the form of epics. Philosophical debates were popular and analysis of life through mathematics and astronomy
took a scientific turn. The functioning of human mind was explored through possible physical
experiment and the techniques of restraint, mindfulness and yoga became the part of average
life. Sophistication in art, language, dress, ornamentation, aesthetics, and human conduct
labeled the period 200BC - 500 AD as Golden in history. The regimentation of the Vedas was reduced through the establishment of educational institutions and education through books and written texts, Monks from China were attracted to learn and helped propagate Buddhism in
China and the Far East.
Technological discovery and the production of iron helped change the Indian landscape into
massive structures and monuments. The period 500AD to 1500AD saw large scale expansion of trade producing increase in wealth in local regions. The centrality of India's administration was reduced with the development of local economy fueled by maritime trade. Regional languages
developed which propelled regional literature. Further sophistication and creativity occurred
in food, dress, art, music and dance. While the diversity blossomed in the country the apparent
non-centrality weakened the nation making it easy for the invaders to break in and plunder.
Though some resistance was offered, an artistic nation could not defend itself against the
brutal terrorists who were looking for food and shelter using force and sword!
So is the story of India upto 1500AD. Please join us in a survey seminar at Lexington Public
Library on Sunday, March 31, at 2 PM. Let us discuss the story at length!
Indian descent as we witness through the evolution in history. All of the India's history through millennia is not fully documented, much has been extrapolated. One has to sieve through the literature to check what we can identify as a trait that can be taken as the base. All human beings need survival, but the conduct is produced through habitat and security. Ours is an exploration
to help the future generations to research more and understand the growth of human civilization.
India has been privileged in one particular sense because of her fertile land and ample supply of water. Agriculture was natural and food production was easy. We believe this was the key to the
original flourishing Indus Period civilization. Through thousands of years, people had developed
the understanding of crop production through the use of irrigation. Gradually the Indus area
used the surplus grains for trade and produced items of interest using raw materials obtained
from the foreign lands. Other areas in the world also became trade centers, but the surplus of
agricultural production gave longevity and spread to the Indus civilization. The compete story of Indus still remains to be fully told because of the inability to decipher the Indus script.
The technology of Indus civilization did not appear to transfer to the Vedas, which seem to have
been well preserved through oral recitation and transmission. The Vedic compositions are poetic
and seem to develop a faith-based society. The agriculture and agricultural technology possibly
did move to the middle India, which also had developed crop production as a staple earlier. It
appears that the Vedas used the language used in the middle India and developed it to make
communication in context. The original language was most likely purely object-based and used
without the sense of time. But the principles of living as the freedom of existence, concept of righteousness, and the character of truth are most likely old empirical concepts, and not poetic.
The Vedic hymns did teach the value of human possessions and the creation of wealth. Though conduct and character were also part of the teachings, the pursuit of wealth did cause misery and wars. This led to reflection and introspection. The period 700BC to 200BC called the Classical
Period saw enormous strides in human knowledge by dissecting the Vedic literature. India discovered grammar, mathematics and music. Dramatics and human psychology were encoded
along with the nutrition and health principles. New religions in the forms of alternative
faiths showed up enriching the India's landscape. An economist Chanakya formulated a capitalist
economy that thrived in India for fifteen hundred years. The Kings did appear but they were
by definition were in State to serve the people. India was opulent through production and political
Opulence added freedom of thinking and creative literature developed in the form of epics. Philosophical debates were popular and analysis of life through mathematics and astronomy
took a scientific turn. The functioning of human mind was explored through possible physical
experiment and the techniques of restraint, mindfulness and yoga became the part of average
life. Sophistication in art, language, dress, ornamentation, aesthetics, and human conduct
labeled the period 200BC - 500 AD as Golden in history. The regimentation of the Vedas was reduced through the establishment of educational institutions and education through books and written texts, Monks from China were attracted to learn and helped propagate Buddhism in
China and the Far East.
Technological discovery and the production of iron helped change the Indian landscape into
massive structures and monuments. The period 500AD to 1500AD saw large scale expansion of trade producing increase in wealth in local regions. The centrality of India's administration was reduced with the development of local economy fueled by maritime trade. Regional languages
developed which propelled regional literature. Further sophistication and creativity occurred
in food, dress, art, music and dance. While the diversity blossomed in the country the apparent
non-centrality weakened the nation making it easy for the invaders to break in and plunder.
Though some resistance was offered, an artistic nation could not defend itself against the
brutal terrorists who were looking for food and shelter using force and sword!
So is the story of India upto 1500AD. Please join us in a survey seminar at Lexington Public
Library on Sunday, March 31, at 2 PM. Let us discuss the story at length!